![How to fix our government](https://www.rayoflifehealing.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/How-to-fix-our-government-e1605735402534.jpg)
It’s time….
It’s time to call their bluff. Go ahead, shut the government down.
This isn’t tolerable any longer. We are afraid of embracing chaos. Our fear and resistance of turmoil only causes it to continue on and on and on.
I am choosing to embrace. It’s only when we embrace the chaos that of a government shut down that we can finally move forward in a more productive, honest, and ‘high integrity’ way.
This is not a rant from a political position or ‘point-of-view’ from one side or another. Our current political party system and those who identify with it is only a distraction from the real issue.
The Real Issue is … Corruption
It permeates all parties and MUST be stopped. Integrity MUST be the foundation or our whole government. To make that happen, it might get shitty for a while… so be it.
When it does happen, we must be careful to not identify with it. We cannot say, “It is bad that our government is shut down” or “It’s their (democrat’s or republican’s) fault that we’re in this mess.” In fact, a massive overhaul of the current political structure (i.e. ‘the mess’) would be GOOD!
That “mess” would signify that the old is being released. Which is essential so that the new way can come in. We all want the new, trustworthy government, but how can it happen when the current way is held in place?? It can’t.
This is why we must embrace the messiness. We must not be afraid of change any longer. No, it’s not change we fear. We cannot be afraid of “the act of changing” any longer. We must step into the chaos if we hope to experience honesty and integrity in our government. There needs to be true accountability and leadership.
Envisioning a Better Way
Right now, close your eyes and bring your awareness to your heart. Choose to align with our government being fair, honest, responsible, smart, optimistic, upbeat, friendly, financially sound, with strong, capable leaders who communicate effectively and work together to solve issues gracefully and easily.
Yes, I know that we don’t have that now….
I just want you to align to the POTENTIAL of this new paradigm of living. It IS possible. But we must believe it can be first.
DON’T fall into your chosen parties’ beliefs. this isn’t about being “right” and somebody else being “wrong”. This is about allowing the ‘essence’ of a government that we just described to manifest. As long as our government has those qualities, I don’t give a flying you-know-what if it comes in the form of ‘the Right’, ‘the Left’ or from God shimself, All I care about is that we are able to work together so we can experience a better system than we currently have. Not just better, the Best Potential Outcome!
With Love and Crystalline Light…