What does this mean? How do I do that? Why do I love doing this?
Background – The Three Phases of Transformation
Every day, we each experience several phases of what is known as Three Phases of Transformation (kind of sounds like the next Transformer’s movie title, doesn’t it?)
The 3 Phases included ‘Opening’, ‘Chaos’ (also known as ‘Transformation’), and ‘Mastery’. I am constantly writing about the 3 Phases of Transformation, where I break down each phase in several ways, so check out my other blog posts for more information! (More information HERE)
In short, ‘Opening’ indicates the “start” of something new. We either choose what is in Opening for us (“I’m going to go take a cooking class.”) or Opening chooses us (“I was just laid off from my job, and now I have to go find another one.”). ‘Chaos’, or ‘Transformation’, happens immediately after Opening. Here we go through the action of whatever we just experienced in Opening, e.g., taking the cooking class, or applying to and obtaining a new job.
This is where we can get stuck. This is what happens when the second phase is overwhelming? Or when we don’t have the tools we need to get through it?
The ‘chaos’ phase is NOT a phase you want to get stuck in!! Yet, it happens every day. I bet you can think of at least a dozen things that you have been stuck in the chaos phase with for some time now. Well, this is where I can help.
What I Do
I help people move into the third phase, which is called ‘Mastery’. Mastery is the completion of the circle; the place you reach after you’ve learned, grown, obtained, etc.
How do I do this? I use an energy technique called Crystalline Consciousness Technique (CCT), to move the “energy” of what is in chaos. When we move (or shift) the energy of what is in chaos, Mastery is the next phase.
To understand more about this, I suggest you take the introductory level CCT course, so you can Master the protocol for yourself.
Once we have shifted the energy out of Chaos and into Mastery, I use my gift of keen energy-reading and discernment to help your mental body (brain) understand why you were stuck in the Chaos phase to begin with. Is it a pattern that continually comes up? Is it a trauma that existed from childhood? Is it something from a past life? Is it an agreement or belief you have? These questions (and more) are what I answer for you as we move forward into Mastery.
Why I LOVE Doing This
- It feels so good to work in partnership with someone and witness their Empowerment.
- I love seeing people who have been in tremendous Chaos for days, weeks, months, even years, FINALLY move into Mastery.
- I love seeing the relief on people’s faces when they can finally relax and Celebrate their success.
- I love seeing people get answers to questions that they’ve had for years, or to questions they didn’t even know they had.
- I love seeing people transform and grow and move on to bigger and better things.
- I love seeing people re-connect with themselves at levels they thought were lost.
My Real Goal
But this isn’t my intention for my life… I don’t want to be the ‘saving grace’ for everyone on the planet.
- Instead, what I want to do is teach you how to work with the 3 Phases of Transformation on a daily basis so that the intense or prolonged phase of Chaos doesn’t overwhelm and exhaust you.
- I want to teach you how to shift the energy BEFORE you’re in Opening, so that you can move through the Chaos phase (of whatever you’re doing) with grace and ease.
- I want to teach people how to spiral this energy on a regular/daily basis so that you don’t get ‘stuck’ anymore.
- I want to teach people how to evenly experience every phase so that one is not dominate over another.
When you can Master the 3 Phases of Transformation, you Master working with energy, and you can move into Mastery throughout your whole life.
Get started now. Check out this class.