Crystalline Animal Class
Utilizing CCT for Your Animals
Animals LOVE CCT… learn how to support them for their entire lives with tools that support them perfectly.
Every time I teach a class online, my students animals show up and hang out for the entire time. My own animals will lay on my manuals and charts constantly, basking in the energy. Because they are so connected to nature consciousness (ideally), which works with the 3 Phases of Transformation, they inherently “get” CCT. They ‘drop in’ to a deep place within themselves in sessions, and come out of them happier and healthier than ever. This is a great opportunity to work with CCT healing energy to care for and support your animal companions in life!
BENEFITS of taking this class include:
- Create quiet, calm energy in and around your home
- Set up special Crystalline Animal Group Fields for deeper connection
- Accelerate healing around vet visits and other in-home injuries
- Easy, clear, Animal Communication through the Crystalline Energy Field
- Work with Sacred Geometry Healing Chambers for heightened healing
- Being able to do a healing session for others with their animals
- Create a deeper and closer relationship through the Grand Cross
FEATURES of this class include:
- This class may be taught online or in person
- Includes a manual and CCT Divination card deck
- Receive a Crystalline Animal Symbol for connection, stability, and communication
- Receive 1 Group Activation before class for you and your animals
This class is taught in 3 modules, over the course of 1 day.
Module 1
Animal Communication is the primary theme of this module, but there are a lot of related topics discussed!
- You’ll receive a Crystalline Animal Symbol for communication, stability, support, and connection.
- You’ll learn how to set up Crystalline Energy Fields for you and your animals.
- You’ll communicate through the Crystalline Energy Field.
- You’ll review Muscle Testing.
- You’ll learn how to ask your animals the right questions to get the best information possible.
- And you’ll learn how to read signs from the Universe about your animal.
Module 2
This module focuses on Animal Healing. We apply the 3 Phases of Transformation for animals, and develop intentions for them. In addition to the protocol, you’ll also learn how to clear their Crystalline Energy System, introduce new animals to your group/herd, and help support them when they go through their End of Life Transition.
Module 3
We focus on the human and animal as a unit, and how to heal from that perspective. We discuss symptoms and how they may be stemming from the animal or the human. And we take special time to discuss and connect to our animals through what is known as the ‘Grand Cross’… where our alignment to gravity crosses with our animals’ alignment to gravity. Super powerful!
$295 for one owner/friend
$395 for two owners/friends
Pre-requisite: Discovering the Map of Transformation (Professional Levels 1 & 2)
Already taken this class? Want to dive in deeper?
Please contact me directly for audit opportunities!
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To learn more about Crystalline Consciousness Technique™, please visit the national website at